Lifestyle Lifespan

We can take control of our health, our communities, our conditions, our lives. The Lifestlye Lifespan campaign and center empower us, personally and in community, equally and equitably, to maintain health, prevent disease, improve well being and contribute to the improvement of the conditions in which we live. We encourage responsibility and accountability for the choices we make and, as stakeholders, seek the changes to our living conditions we require to thrive.


What we consume, how we consume, why we consume, and when we consume.


Physical activities, flexible muscles, positive mental
attitude, and moral discipline.


Commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle permanently.

We’re Here to Help!

Change your life and improve your health by participating in our presentations and demonstrations:

Exercise demonstrations

Dieting and physical activity presentations

Club awards and recognitions

Vendors introduction and presentation

We Can Do Better

For reasons having to do with lifestyle, environmental challenges, and the timeliness & quality of the care people of color receive, we are too often poorly served by our medical system. Our aim is to identify & support research that respects & serves those who participate and that, in the aggregate, results in improved outcomes for minority communities.